Sunday, April 22, 2012

Democrats vs Republicans

(This was posted on FaceBook by a liberal friend. I felt the author's biased, over-simplistic, comments needed rebuttal. Not that a true liberal will be persuaded, but at least some clarity of thought will be available for those who are genuinely interested in knowing the truth.  My comments are notated by the "J1, J2, etc at the end of each statement. Scroll Down to view my actual comment)  JAS
There are some fundamental differences in the way Democrats and Republicans think.   1[J1]     Here are a few examples.

Democrats fear that corporations have too much control over our government. Republicans fear that the government has too much control over corporations. 2[J2] 

Democrats believe it benefits all of us to help the weakest and the poorest among us. 3[J3]   Republicans believe it benefits all of us to help the wealthiest and most powerful among us.  4[J4] 

Democrats believe everyone is entitled to health care regardless of their ability to pay. 5[J5]   Republicans believe everyone is entitled to jack squat if they can’t pay for health care. 6[J6] 

Democrats believe too much of our money goes to crooked corporate executives who take government subsidies and pay themselves $80 million salaries. 7[J7]  Republicans believe too much of our money goes to teachers who make $30,000 a year. 8[J8] 

Democrats believe anything that helps the American people during a recession or a time of crisis is the true essence of patriotism.  9[J9]  Republicans believe anything that helps the American people during a recession or a time of crisis is the true essence of communism. 10[J10] 

Democrats believe that we need to set high standards for clean air and drinking water. 11[J11]   Republicans believe that standards for clean air and water are burdensome over-regulation.12[J12] 

Democrats believe the President and Congress need to work together to create jobs during a weak economy. 13[J13]   Republicans believe that Congress should do nothing to create jobs and then blame the President. 14[J14] 

Democrats believe that corporate polluters should be made to pay for the cleanup of their pollution. 15[J15]  Republicans believe that making corporations clean up their pollution is burdensome over-regulation.16[J16] 

Democrats believe our health care system exists solely for the purpose of making people healthy. 17[J17]  Republicans believe our health care system exists solely for the purpose of making a healthy profit. 18[J18] 

Democrats believe Congress should be of the people, by the people and for the people. 19[J19] 
Republicans believe corporations are the people. 20[J20] 

Democrats believe that corporations have too much influence over Congress due to their lobbyists and huge campaign contributions. 21[J21]  Republicans believe the middle class has too much influence over Congress due to their voting and paying taxes.22[J22] 

Democrats believe that the rich should be taxed more than the poor and middle class.23[J23]   Republicans believe that the rich should be allowed to keep all their wealth, except for the millions in campaign contributions they give to politicians. 24[J24] 

Democrats believe that too much money in politics produces corruption and destroys the American way of life. 25[J25]   Republicans believe that money and corruption in politics are the American way of life.26[J26] 

COMMENTS FROM JOHN STERLING- It is common for people to view politics and the political process through a very narrow lens. It is easy to over-simplify, especially when doing so can make one side seem “right” and the other side, therefore “wrong”.   In truth, the majority of Americans are similarly distrustful of too much wealth and power as an influencer of government policy. Democrats are much more trustful of government  control of government while conservatives (some of which are Republican) do not trust government and especially do not trust government to be “self-controlled”.  The person who authored this “comparison” (above) is clearly biased.  Nevertheless, the comparison is a “starting point” for a genuine comparison of the fundamentally conflicting  ideologies that  are in competition for control of America’s future.  JAS  4/222/2012

 [J1]Generally true statement assuming that people who identify as one or the other have truly given any thought to what they actually believe. Many people simply identify with one party or the other without knowing, or caring,  what the party may stand for.
 [J2]Generally true. But see comment 20 and 21
 [J3]Generally true
 [J4]Partly true. Republicans believe that  creation of wealth is good for the economy as genuine wealth creation also creates more jobs.  This contrasts with “job creation” by government because government can create jobs, but NOT wealth, so government created jobs merely add to the overall tax burden.
 [J5]Generally true
 [J6]False. Republicans believe that health care is NOT an entitlement, or a human right. It is a benefit that some have, and some do not. Even if health care was within the legitimate authority of government to provide, it has to be able to be supported by revenues.    
 [J8]Not only false but patently absurd. Republicans believe that in a free market economy, the people support what, and who, they believe in by how they vote and how (and where) they spend.   
 [J10]False. What constitutes Communism is if, or when, or to the extent, that government takes money from the working class, and redistributes it to the non-working class.  It is not the duty of Governmnet to “help” people who are experiencing a personal crisis. IT IS the duty of government to facilitate business and promote a healthy (free market) economy.
 [J12]Partly true. Whether it is “burdensome” is calculated in relation to the overall economy.  If regulations cost jobs, then the cost of regulation is too high.
 [J14]See comment 4
 [J15]True but then so do MOST republicans. Except as noted in 12 above.
 [J16]See 12 above
 [J17]Mostly true for rank and file Democrats. Not true for many political leaders. See 19 below
 [J18]Health care was originally conceived and administered as a function of religion. As it evolved, it became divided into “charity” health care (by religious organizations,) or “private” (for profit) health care. Only after the private sector flourished did government want to take control of the whole apparatus. Government wants to control health care, NOT for altruistic motives, but because it is a successful  wealth producer (assuming an otherwise healthy economy.
 [J19]Mostly true insofar as Democrats often favor democracy. However, Democrats do NOT favor democracy if the voters support conservative ideas (anti-homosexual, pro-gun, anti-illegal immigration, anti-abortion, personal accountability, etc. In such cases, Democrats favor judicial activism, where the law is changed by Liberal Judges, from the bench.
 [J20]Mostly False.  Republicans believe that just because people organize under the corporate umbrella, and speak with a collective voice that is not necessarily a bad thing. Republicans are also suspicious of powerful , well-financed groups that exert strong influence in the political process. Republicans believe that the government should obey the law, and resist undue influence by large well-funded organizations when those organizations seek to derail the constitution. 
 [J21]True unless those influences further the Democrat political agenda. But then, that is also true of Republicans.
 [J22]Utterly False and also patently absurd.
 [J24]Mostly true. People should be allowed to keep all of the money they make, subject to uniform application of the Internal Revenue Code.  Government does not have inherent “right” to take more from the people who make more.  Most Americans feel that campaign finance reform still has a long way to go.
 [J25]True. So also do rank and file Republicans. See note below.
 [J26]True. So also do rank and file Democrats.  These two statements are essentially two sides of the same coin…acknowledging the truth of the way things are, and bemoaning that it is so.  See note 24.

1 comment:

  1. I'll rebut some of your rebuttal!

    "[J4]Partly true. Republicans believe that creation of wealth is good for the economy as genuine wealth creation also creates more jobs. This contrasts with “job creation” by government because government can create jobs, but NOT wealth, so government created jobs merely add to the overall tax burden."

    "[J10]False. What constitutes Communism is if, or when, or to the extent, that government takes money from the working class, and redistributes it to the non-working class. It is not the duty of Governmnet to “help” people who are experiencing a personal crisis. IT IS the duty of government to facilitate business and promote a healthy (free market) economy."

    I would think that helping people experiencing a personal crisis would facilitate business and promote a healthy (free market) economy? Even disregarding that I'm sure you're familiar with 'the working poor' in America. I think society would benefit from the dreaded "redistribution" of wealth. Multi-billionaires can still be grossly, overwhelmingly, useleslly, stupidly, rich. But! They can just be a little less so. Look at Denmark. "Denmark is also a member of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). With a mixed market economy and a large welfare state, Denmark ranks as having the world's highest level of income equality. The country has the world's seventh highest per capita income. It has frequently ranked as the happiest and least corrupt country in the world." They seem to be doing okay, huh?

    "[J19]Mostly true insofar as Democrats often favor democracy. However, Democrats do NOT favor democracy if the voters support conservative ideas (anti-homosexual, pro-gun, anti-illegal immigration, anti-abortion, personal accountability, etc. In such cases, Democrats favor judicial activism, where the law is changed by Liberal Judges, from the bench."

    Oh, come on. I'm gonna use your own quote to reply to this: "But then, that is also true of Republicans." I think it's as unfair of you to say Democrats don't support democracy when it doesn't agree with them as it is for me to say Republicans do the same thing.

    But! While we're at it, I think the vast majority of the people voting (Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative) are ignorant and make stupid decisions. That is the bad thing about democracy, there are a lot more dumb people than there are smart ones.

    "[J24]Mostly true. People should be allowed to keep all of the money they make, subject to uniform application of the Internal Revenue Code. Government does not have inherent “right” to take more from the people who make more. Most Americans feel that campaign finance reform still has a long way to go."

    Does government have an inherent right to anything except what the people decide?


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