and social contract philosophy
If I am compelled to wear a label placing me in a political
camp, I would declare myself a Libertarian. In truth, I am poor Libertarian
because I also hold to a “social contract” theory of governance, similar to
that of the Founders of this Republic. (The
Founding Fathers were heavily influenced by English philosopher Thomas Hobbes
in establishing America’s First Principles, most notably the recognition of
unalienable rights, the Social Compact, and limited government. ) Believing in any kind of "social contract" makes me a "bad" Libertarian.
As one schooled in the law (JD, Regent University, 1999) I
also understand some of the finer points of contract law in the United
States. A lawful contract between competent
parties creates performance obligations on both parties. These obligations are enforceable in a court
of law. Although contracts are usually
written (courts prefer to rely on the express terms within the “four corners”
of the contract) sometimes performance obligations may arise by virtue of
behavior of the parties acting “as though” a written contract was in
place. If the parties communicate to
each other that “if I do this, then you will do that” and one party accepts
that offer so as to produce a reliance on the promised terms, then a judge may
declare those terms to be enforceable. (Google “Detrimental Reliance”).
The “Social
Compact (or contract) philosophy/principle of government argues that social
norms are enforced and enforceable by legal, as well as “extra-legal” (i.e.
peer pressure, ostracism, etc. ) mechanisms with the result that behavior is “regularized”
and manifested by the majority.
When people operate together in society, whether their
participation is wholly voluntary or “enforced” by law or traditions or peer
pressure, there are “rules” that govern that behavior. Social stability is enhanced when the
majority of people know, accept, and operate within the parameters of those
rules (Google “mores”). We can
reasonably be expected to follow the rules because, on the whole, they are to
our own advantage. Breaking the rules
tends to undermine them and thereby endangers our own well-being. Social
contracts can be explicit, such as laws, or implicit, such as raising one’s
hand in class to speak. Some (many) of
my Libertarian friends argue that, unless they individually and expressly
consent to “the contract” they should be exempt from any performance
obligations. I argue that if you benefit
in any way from the operation of “norms” in society, that that creates a
reasonable expectation of “quid pro quo” performance on your part. The application of this legal principle
(apparently) makes me a “bad” Libertarian.
Too many people today hold the conviction that their own
life, and their own choices (for better, or worse) are (or should be) beyond
the control of government, OR the “influence” of a higher standard of conduct
(morality, religion, local or regional mores, etc.). I argued recently with a young man that “liberty”
as was expressed by the founders of this republic, means mostly the freedom to
move on to another place that you might find conducive your own particular
standards or lifestyle. It had LESS to
do with being “free to do “your own thing” in the midst of an opposing
majority, and expect the law to protect your “right” to do so. I know…it can be a thin line sometimes, but
my study of early American political history and philosophy leads me to
conclude that liberty includes the idea that “if you don’t like the way we do
things here (in this community), you can leave”.
While I strongly favor the right of individuals to act in
their own self-interest, I hold that this “liberty” is an endowment from our
Creator and as such, it is framed by His character and nature. Logically, if God is the grantor of a
fundamental right, that right is both anchored in, and limited by, the
character and nature of God. Ergo, no “right”
may ever be claimed as “inalienable” or fundamental unless it is linked to the
grantor. Since God created us to be “in
fellowship” or in “community” then those behaviors that will be most conducive
to social health will be those in concert with “the laws of nature, and nature’s
God”. This ALSO makes me a “bad”
I was moved to write this blog after returning from a short
trip on a public roadway. There are “rules
of the road” and most of these have been codified (made law by an act of the
legislature) so that legal enforcement (with punitive sanctions) may reinforce
those norms. One that is NOT codified in
my state (but may be in others) is that when a vehicle enters another roadway,
they should accelerate quickly enough so as to safely merge with other traffic
as quickly as practical. Many people,
aware of the cost of gasoline perhaps, or maybe just operating a lower “wave-length”
than normal folks, act in this situation as though they are the only vehicle on
the road. They accelerate slowly, forcing others (now behind them) to slow down
to avoid rear-ending the slower vehicle.
This same principle applies when drivers operate in the left lane of a
multi-lane highway but travel slower than most others in that lane. (our state DOES have a law against that
one). In this case, it is not a question
of obeying the posted speed limit, but rather, of not “obstructing” the journey
of others. It is irrelevant (for
purposes of this law) that the slower driver is obeying the posted speed
limit. The law REQUIRES slower traffic to
“keep right” (drive in the right-most lane).
Many Libertarians chafe at any notion of “enforceable”
standards of behavior just because those might be acceptable to the
majority. Libertarians are usually
very much in favor of very little formal (government) structure and a great
deal of personal autonomy. But
Libertarians are also “all over the map” when it comes to how much “regulation”
of personal behavior is, or should be, enforceable by state action. I thought about this dilemma when a
slow-moving vehicle pulled in front of me on my way home this morning.
When people decide to drive automobiles in the U.S. they agree to obey the “rules of the road”. These rules include both the codified (T.C.A.
or “traffic code annotated”) as well as those rules without specific
state-enforceable sanctions. If you
drive in a manner that forces others to halt their own journey, or creates an
impediment, or significantly slows them down, you have implicitly violated the
terms of the agreement (contract). Your “personal liberty” to drive slowly is
now in conflict with the “personal liberty” of one which desires to drive
faster. As long as no safety issue is
created, we have now TWO different standards of conduct expressed by two
drivers with different philosophies or understandings of the notion of “liberty”.
Driving a personal vehicle on public roads seems to me an
accurate representation of how the social contract theory (principle)
works. If I drive, I agree to obey all
laws (explicit) AND to do my best NOT to create an impediment to my fellow
drivers (implicit). That means I will be
careful NOT to intentionally pull in front of a vehicle, and that I will accelerate
as quickly as possible to avoid causing another driver to alter their speed. Even
if it were not the law, I would strive to never to text while driving, nor
allow myself to become otherwise distracted while driving. I think that is the MORAL thing to do.
The social contract is an implicit agreement (implied
contract) among self-interested, rational agents. According to well-established legal
principles this means that we have no enforceable obligation to any person who does
not participate in the contract. If you do not want to pay taxes for roads, you
may not use the roads. The same applies
to any legitimate function or service of government. (Legitimate, for purposes
of this article, means Constitutionally permissible or required. It specifically
excludes any act of any legislative body that is acting, or has acted outside
of that scope.) If you benefit from the
regulation of government in civil society, then you cannot (morally) be opposed
to accepting the performance obligations that accompany that benefit. As with
my driving illustration, just try to keep up.
John Sterling
June 30, 2017
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