Saturday, July 18, 2020

How far is the Mask from the Mark?

 How far is it from the mask to the mark?

Covid-19 Pandemic. Mask requirements now, what next? 

July 18, 2020

Americans are divided on the subject of wearing a mask in public to reduce possibilities of a viral infection.  There is good science to back a conclusion that in some cases a mask may be beneficial but in other cases it is definitely not, and may even be harmful to the wearer.  Then there is science that is not so good (flaws in testing modalities, sample sizes, controlling of variables, etc.) that supports alternative conclusions.   Add to all of that, the politics which, with support of media, pushes whatever "conclusions" support their agenda.  I would like to think we could all agree that all of that is true.

The choice to wear a mask is increasingly being made by government (or quasi-government entities) so individual choice is becoming moot. Businesses are now picking up the banner and echoing the warnings of the government and media.   "If you want to shop at our store, you MUST wear a mask".  SO far, that is not a big problem because consumers still have other shopping options.
Some businesses even put restrictions on what merchandise might be considered “essential or non-essential”.

Now suddenly, without explanation, we have a coin "shortage". Some businesses are accepting either "correct change only"  or "No cash accepted- credit/debit cards only".  Again, not too big a deal as long as consumers have choices.

How far away is the time of "no choices"?

How long until, by choice or coercion, all stores will demand digital transactions only?   Since we (at least, many Americans) have bought into the "Must wear a mask" argument, and most are apparently on board with the "must use digital means only" to conduct transactions, then how soon before you cannot buy, or sell ANYTHING without digital processes?

Mark my words (no pun intended) but we are very close to a government edict that declares all cash transactions to be unlawful. Perhaps they will use the “dirty” money argument- that because of a danger of spread of disease, use of cash will be outlawed.  To reduce/prohibit fraud with digital transactions there will be some form of ID required that goes beyond what is presently acceptable.   Something more, that validates the identity of the user and affirms alliance with the government, and obedience to the values of said government.  Something like the Bible describes as the “Mark of the Beast”.

The Mark will have the following characteristics:
(1) It will be justified by the need to protect people
(2) It will be an easy, quick, painless, process.
(3) It will allow government to “verify” every transaction
(4) It will promise ultimate security and convenience.
(5) Most people will see only the “upside” and will not see (or will marginalize) possibilities for misuse.
(6) Most people will be suspicious of, and will be encouraged to report, any person speaking against this means of transaction.
(7) The “mark” will likely include some sort of affirmation of the bearers allegiance to government above all else.  (That may come later- after the initial implementation is successful).

I have been a little surprised at how quickly, and how easily, so many have been led to a place of total commitment to wearing a mask to “prevent” the spread of COVID -19. Some people are wearing a mask by themselves as they drive their own automobile.  Some people are clueless about any science that opposes the “studies” that support the position they have bought into. Many folks are surprisingly willing, even eager, to “turn in” their neighbors for not wearing a mask in public.   Our local news recently had to air a public service announcement to ask people NOT to call 911 to report “mask violations”.   Seriously. It’s that crazy.

Seeing this unfold before my very eyes, I am reminded of historical examples of this very thing in Germany in the 1930’s. I have interviewed holocaust survivors to inquire how it could be that the Jews did not see what was happening to them.   Every one of them said that they did not see how it could deteriorate so far, so quickly. Every one believed that Germany, then one the leading nations in terms of science, education, and the arts, could ever be so callously in humane.  Somebody would surely DO something! They all believed that it would get no worse than what it was at the moment. (It got much worse!).

IF you believe in Biblical prophecy, or IF you believe that this path can be more dangerous for civil liberties than beneficial to fight the coronavirus, then you are probably already taking some steps to mitigate the predictable result of being forced to acquire necessary items without cash or credit card. If not, it’s never too late to DO SOMETHING. Web sites offering advice are plentiful.  Some are even pretty good.  My only advice here is to recognize that what is happening in our culture now is predicted, and it WILL play out as predicted. So if you want to know about that, visit some web sites on what the Bible says about the End Times.  My admonition would be to NOT allow your self to think like those poor Jews in pre-WWII Germany who did nothing while hoping that it would not get any worse.  It will.

John Sterling, MA, JD

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